During not a short time, the marketing and advertising managers Buy Mobile Database of the companies had to do a job of selecting channels to establish the audience they wanted to reach. This is: once they were clear about which consumers they wanted to conquer, they only had to do an analysis, understand where those consumers were and launch their messages using those channels. The right message would thus reach the most adjusted consumers who needed to convince and seduce. It wasn't easy, of course, because convincing consumers is never exactly easy, but at least the rules of the game seemed pretty clear.
However, things have changed in these times. Consumers have more and more avenues of consumption available to them and also many more access points to information and entertainment. The digital revolution has also brought about a revolution in terms of access and the multiplication of available channels.
Probably one of the best ways to understand how things have changed in this area and how consumers are imposing new standards and new scenarios on brands and companies is to analyze the way in which consumption patterns have changed .
The evolution of the separation between e-commerce and physical commerce and its conversion into an omnichannel scenario, in which consumers expect that the experiences they have in one space will continue in another and in which they assume that brands and companies will offer the same quality of service and the same philosophy are key to understanding how it is consumed right now. In addition, customers expect a certain continuity. It does not make sense that what they have started to do in the offline environment cannot continue in the online environment and vice versa.
And if this is already clear in the commerce and sales environment, it should be more generally in marketing and strategy as well. Consumers expect a holistic experience in customer service, but also in many more elements. Marketing messages and strategy must be consistent and fit across all channels and spaces in which the company operates, especially when it comes to reaching younger demographics. Consumers jump from one channel to another and the brand has to do it with them.
The new era of cross-screen campaigns
As they explain in a Warc analysis , cross-screen campaigns, campaigns that use multiple screens and that take them into account, have already become an essential element to reach consumers and to establish a solvent marketing strategy. "Multi-screening is becoming the norm for people around the world, so marketers have to change their media forecasts," says Lucy Aitken of Warc.
But, in addition, taking this situation into account and what it forces Best database provider companies to do implies not only working from that base but also taking into account in a much more effective way what this new reality entails. That is, it is not worth simply putting ads on all possible screens but understanding very well why this is done and how that strategy is being created.
The campaigns that work best
The success stories that have worked best, they recall in the analysis, have done so with solid, more sophisticated strategies, they recall, than simply launching an ad on multiple screens.
One of the examples they give is that of a detergent, which was not only able to synchronize its advertising appearances on television with its appearance in advertisements on Facebook but also did so with those of its competition. When their rivals were positioning themselves with TV ads, they were doing it at the same time on Facebook, remembering their brand.
Campaigns that use multiple screens have to be creative and use the full potential that each of the screens offers, but they must also be able to understand what each screen imposes, how the consumer relates to each one of them or how each action is integrated into the main strategy of the company.
This also implies stopping thinking about second screens that simply reinforce a message that is being seen on another, but rather starting to take into account what value each one contributes and why each one is decisive.